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SubraceAcceptable subrace names: Drow1) (Case sensitive), dark, black, ilythiiri, dhaeraow, mori, ssri-tel, gothrim
Skin colourBlack / Dark Grey / Dark Blue
HairWhite / Grey
Racial Statistics+2 to dexterity+2 to charisma+2 to intelligencespell resistance, 11+character level+2 to will saves vs spellsspell like abilitiesLight Sensitivity rating of 1, Darkvision, Blinded for 6 seconds when coming into bright light, and Spell Resistance.
Favored ClassWizard for male, or Cleric for female.
Special Abilities1/day darkness (3) (Special Item)

The Drow have a mixed history that spans centuries of conflict both above and beneath the surface of the lands. Their struggles with their surface brothers is matter of myth and legend to the younger races, but to those who lived through it the wounds still burn deep and fierce. The beginning of the rift between surface and Underdark dwellers began with the Great Battle between Corellon and Lloth.

It was here that the Drow culture was forced into the Underdark, developing its own political and religious systems to match their goddess, home, and lifestyle. The philosophies of the old world, and the “weak” minded views of their surface Elf cousins, were discarded as they grew and moved into a new era… an era driven by fanatical devotion to their Goddess Lloth, paranoia of their fellow Drow as they struggled amoungst the Houses for positions of favor in her worship, and the systematic destruction or subjugation of all other races.


Other useful links:

*See Pantheons for their Gods and Goddesses.

To play a Drow and start in the Underdark as an accepted member of Drow society you must use “Drow” as your subrace.
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nordock/races/elf/drow.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/28 11:45 by WafflesMcDuff