Table of Contents


Social structure

Throck-Badd is too small to have a regular government at all. Still, because of the treaty of the 3rd and later the 5th council, it is responsible for having an official representative, in case the Kaerthia council is called. This position is held by the Mayor of Throck-Badd. Currently this is Janelisa Mars, who, unfortunately, is too busy with running his inn, to care for politics. The citizens agree on who is to be put into this position, but the interest in this is close to non-existent, as the mayor has no practical power at all. The real power in Throck-Badd lies in the hands of the Throck-Badd Trading Company. The company does not only own all trading and manufacturing establishments in Throck-Badd. It also provides the towns “army”. These troops are recruited from everywhere and their main task is to at least attempt to control piracy and smuggling around Throck-Badd. However, rumours say, that if you would ban every mercenary within the ranks of the Trading Companies guards, the number of pirates and smugglers would decrease in just the exact value.

History of Throck-Badd