
SubraceAny (Except Svirfneblin)
Racial Statistics+2 Constitution, -2 Strength
Favored ClassWizard. A multiclass gnome’s wizard class does not count when determining whether he suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.
Special AbilitiesSmall Stature, Hardiness vs. Illusions, Offensive Training vs. Reptilians, Offensive Training vs. Goblinoids, Defensive Training vs. Giants, Skill Affinity (Listen), Skill Affinity (Concentration), Spell Focus (Illusion), Low-light vision.

The master tinkerers, inventors and scientists amongst the races.

Industrious, intelligent, and good-natured, gnomes have few enemies. They are not a numerous race, and for many centuries gnomes have survived and thrived by keeping a low profile. Avoiding the notice of larger folk obsessed with empires and mighty magic, the gnomes have quietly spread across Faerun in tiny settlements and hidden villages that often go completely unnoticed by their neighbors.