Common Surface Deity
Tyr - Tyr is the god of law and justice. The followers of Tyr are those who believe in passive regulation of law.
Corellon - The Creator of Elvenkind embodies the highest ideals of elvenkind, and he is the patron of most aesthetic endeavors, including art, magic, music, poetry and warfare.
Through Art and Craft, bring forth the beuty that envelops and let the spirit gambol unfettered. The song of joy and the dance of freedom shall ever soar on the wings of those who dare to take flight. Guard against slow death of stultifying sameness by seeking out new experiences and new ways. Ward against those who seek only to destroy in their inability to create and commune with the natural and mystical world. Be ever vigilant in force of arms and might of magic against any return of the banished darkness, and also be strong in heart against the corruption from within which allowed the Spider Queen to foment chaos and evil.
Torm - Torm is the patron of paladins and those who face danger for a greater good. He is the war arm and champion of Tyr the Lord of Justice, delivering justice to those who are evil, deceitful, and destructive, and acting to keep law, order and loyalty everywhere. The Loyal Fury is unflinching in his duty and judges his faithful accordingly. He is stern, righteous, and unyielding, yet his heart is filled first and foremost with goodness, and he can be a kind and gentle power when dealing with the young, the weak, and faithful friends of all sorts.
Hextor - Hextor is worshipped by evil warriors and assassins, mercenaries and murders. His following has always been strongest within the lands. Services to him include discordant music from wind instruments, shouting and screaming, and the striking of iron weapons. The greatest temples are built on sites of great battles or bloodshed.
His clerics are skilled combatants and assassins, cruel and violent, bereft of subtlety while still being cunning and wily. Hextor's clerics constantly train themselves in the art of war, for they plan or lead attacks on rebels and do-gooders. Many serve petty or powerful leaders, still others have achieved significant political positions of their own. The church hierarchy is rigid, dominated by strength and cruelty.
Mystra - Mystra is the goddess of magic.She is most venerated by wizards and those that use magic or magical items in their daily use as she is the essential force that makes all spellcasting possible. Choice. Decision. Knowledge. Leavened with a healthy dose of good for the most individuals, these are the hallmarks of Mystra’s faith. Magic is a great power, and brings with it great responsibility.
Tymora - Tymora is fickle but playful and never vengeful or malicious. Tymora’s faith is one of the most common since it caters most heavily to a highly mobile, relatively wealthy, and intrinsically powerful group who live by their wits and by their luck: adventurers. Tymora’s faith teaches that one should be bold, for to dare is to live. One must place oneself in the hands of fate and trust to one’s own luck.
Ilmater - Followers of the Crying God are often perceived as be intentional suffers, to the point of ridicule by some. However, they are known as some of the best healers in the realms, and are often found in some of the worst possible conditions, helping the oppressed, the diseased and the poor. In adventuring groups, they are often the ones who will take all risks to save a person in danger, putting the needs of others above their own, to the exclusion of their personal risk.
Sehanine Moonbow - elven goddess of the moon or, more specifically, the full moon. She governs divinations, omens, and subtle magics and protects against madness. She watches over the dreams of the elves, keeping them frm harm while in reverie and sending omens to protect from future dangers. Sehanine watches over the pasage of elven spirits from the world, and she is protectress of the dead. The Daughter of the Night Skies is also guardian and guide to those elves whose days in the mundane world of mortals are done and who seek to travel from the lands they know and love to distant refuges such as Evermeet. She also watches over such refuges and ensures they are kept safe from intrusion. Sehanine governs long journeys, both physical and spiritual, and in elven cultures that proclaim the reality of reincarnation, Sehanine and Corellon work together to guide the spirirt to its best subsequent incarnation as it works its way toward perfection. Although Sehanine is venerated by all the Fair Folk (including half-elves and a handful of gnome illusionists), she is particularly revered by moon elves, who view her as their protectorate, and gold elves, who are among the most withdrawn from the world of all the elven subraces.
Common Dwarf Deity
Moradin - Moradin's alignment is Lawful Good. The domains associated with him are Creation, Earth, Good, Law, and Protection. His clerics are usually drawn from Family lines, like most dwarven occupations. His titles include Soul Forger, Dwarffather, the All-Father, and the Creator. He created the first dwarves out of earthen materials and tutored them in dwarven ways.
The Hammers of Moradin are an elite military order dominated by crusaders and fighting clerics with chapters in nearly every dwarven stronghold and members drawn from every dwarven clan. The Hammers serve both as commanders of dwarven armies and as an elite strike force skilled in dealing with anything from large groups of orcs to great wyrms to malevolent fiends from the Lower Planes.
The order is dedicated to the defense of existing dwarven holdings and the carving out of new dwarven territories. Individual chapters have a great deal of local autonomy but, in times of great crisis, a Grand Council (the reigning monarchs and senior Hammers of the affected region) assemble to plot strategy and divine Moradin's will.
Moradin charges his followers with the task of removing the kingdoms of orcs and wiping out the followers of Gruumsh. He is upset if they flee from their foes or kill their fellow dwarves.
Berronar Truesilver - Berronar is the dwarven goddess of safety and marriage (some cynics note that the dwarves place safety first), and is loosely associated with healing and record keeping. Her priestesses perform all weddings in dwarven strongholds, and also serve as arbiters in disputes (marital or otherwise). Dwarven marriages are expected to be for life, and no priestess of Berronar would ever consider shattering a marital bond. Dwarves that abandon a spouse or dissolve a marriage are anathema to Berronar, and cannot be healed by her followers. Most dwarven cities hold one god above all others, with Moradin, Fortubo, Ulaa and Clangeddin receiving the lion's share. There are no know cities that follow Berronar, although she is of great importance to all of them.
Haela Brightaxe - dwarven goddess worshipped by those of her race who thrill in the chaos of battle. Hers is not the soldier who campaigns apathetically, or the general who spends countless hours strategizing, but is instead the champion who brazenly crashes into the fold. Followers of the Bright Maiden, as she is also known, yearn for glory in arms, and with her luck at their backs they charge heedlessly into combat, rallying their allies against even the most dire odds.
Generally speaking, she is a conservative power, embodying most other races' stereotypes of what a dwarven warrior is all about. Clerics of Haela Brightaxe are called "kaxanar," roughly translated to mean "bloodmaiden," and indeed, most clerics of the Bright Maiden are female.
Common Gnome Deity
Gond - Specialty clerics of Gond have an aptitude for devices, which includes mechanical locks. They may pick locks, given proper tools, as a thief of half their level.
Specialty priests of Gond cannot turn or command undead.
Gnomes may be priests of Gond. This vocation is frowned on in most gnomish communities, but the deity is slowly gaining acceptance among these people.
Garl Glittergold - Instead of a stern father figure, the primary gnomish deity is a trickster, who believes in teaching his worshippers to think for themselves, through a process of pranks and tricks. These serve a valuable lesson preparing his people for a dangerous world, but non-gnomes tend to find him (and his priesthood) somewhat irritating. Most famously, Garl collapsed a cavern onto Kurtulmak, the patron of kobolds as a joke, and the two races have been at war ever since.
Ceremonies and services to Garl are filled with illusion, song and humor and are woven into the fabric of gnomish life.
His clerics are taught to gently knock the sense into fools and to scare the unwary into proper watchfulness. They know that not everyone -- especially not non-gnomes -- appreciates their teaching pranks, but that's the price of faith.
Common Halfling Deity
Yondalla - Yondalla is the goddess of Protection, Fertility, the Halfing Race, Children, Security, Leadership, Diplomacy, Wisdom, the Cycle of Life, Creation, Family and Familial Love, Tradition, Community, Harmony and Prosperity. Yondalla is also known as the Protector and the Provider, the Nurturing Matriarch, and the Blessed One.
Arvoreen - the Defender, fiery guardian of the home, is the nearest thing to a halfling war god. He is a Power of stern defense and aggressive watchfulness, who is always preparing for incursions into halfling lands and making ready to repulse hostile creatures at the first sign of trouble. Arvoreen is venerated primarily by halfling fighters, but also by fighter/thieves who prefer the former set of skills over the latter.
Arvoreen's clerics wear silver chainmail and helmets. His sacred animal is the war dog. He is worshipped before battle. Silvered weapons are typically sacrificed to him when followers seek his blessing.
Common Orcish Deity
Gruumsh - The tribes that follow Gruumsh tend to be the most "generic" tribes. They are bent on conquest, but are also possessed of a certain low cunning, and will not throw their lives away needlessly. These tribes include the Evil Eye and Impaled Head tribes. The priests of Gruumsh will typically be the power behind the chieftains, and will only expose themselves when absolutely necessary.
Luthic - She is the goddess of female orcs, orcish fertility, caves and caverns, servitude, and primitive medicine, and she helps restore orcish morale.
Common Drow Deity
Lolth - Lloth, the Spider Queen, is cruel and malicious. The only person in her world is herself. She is constantly plotting to keep her loyal minions in a state of turmoil. This way she can find the strongest and most cunning of her followers to serve her. Drow, being brought up under this religion, are all but perfectly suited to this arrangement. With the drow's instinctive distrust and wit, all but the wiliest of opponents will be thrown into disarray. Seeing that Lloth is the goddess of chaos, this seems all but fitting. The main object of affection among Lloth worshippers is the spider. It is an offence punishable by death to kill or even maim a spider. Lloth gives unto her most loyal henchmen a poisonous spider to aid, guard, but also to watch in their furtherance of the religion.
The clergy of Lloth are all women. The priestesses of Lloth are the only subjects of Lloth to hold any real power in drow society. If a priestess of any rank says to do something there better not be any hesitation. Punishment for disobedience is usually swift and destructive. Killing is not their style, maiming is more reward for slow wits and
Vhaeraun - Vhaerun is the god of thievery and the furthering of drow power on the surface world. He is also the patron deity of drow males, teaching a heresy (according to Lloth) that drow males are the equals of drow females. Vhaerun is haughty and proud, like all drow deities. He favours underhanded means and treachery to achieve his goals. His priesthood is exclusively male, and priests usually hide their true vocation in drow communities. Vhaerun has hair and eyes that change colour with his emotional state (red when angry, blue when amused, gold when triumphant, etc.) Vhaerun is passively opposed to Lloth. He knows he is not powerful enough to oppose her directly... Yet. Vhaerun wishes to re-unite the elven people. He considers all elves to be superior to all other races, however, and wishes only to have elves dominate all other races. Vhaerun's loyalty is to all elves, but primarily the drow race. He would like to see the surface elves serving as the enforcers of the "true masters", the drow, who would rule from the depths of the earth.
Kiaransalee - Lady of the Dead, The Revenancer, The Vengeful Banshee Goddess of the Undead and Vengeance.
Kiaransalee is a minor drow deity of both vengeance and the undead. She is called upon by those seeking retribution, the dark arts, or to prolong life. The Lady of the Dead is cruel, twisted, and consumed by thoughts of vengeance. Kiaransalee descended into madness long ago, but she retains her twisted cunning and clear recollection of every slgiht or insult done to her---real or imagined. The Revenancer is powerfully chaotic and swift to anger, and she schemes dark revenges against all who have wronged her. Kiaransalee prefers the mindless company of the undead, whom she can manipulate at will, to sentient beings capable of independent thought. She prefers to solve problems herself rather than trust someone else to do justice to her vision.
Shar - Shar is the goddess of darkness, night, loss, and forgetfulness. She resides in the extra dimensional plane of Hades. Shar is an unusual power, in that she seems to have multipal aspects that have different alignments. An aspect of Shar that deals with forgetfulness has priest that are either neutral or neutral good for example. Shar's main aspect is worshipped by those who deal in the night (such as thieves), who hate the light (such as drow, goblin races and their allies), and who feel bitterness and loss. Her symbol is a black disk with a border of deep purple.
Loss is the nature of Shar, of pains hidden but not forgotten, of vengeances carefully nurtured away from the light, hidden from others. She is said to have the power to make her devout followers forget their pain, yet what occurs is that they become inured to the loss, treating it as a common and natural state of being. The basic inanity of life and foolishness of hope are the cornerstones of Shar's being. She and her followers revel in the concealed, in that which is hidden, never to be revealed.
Selvaterm - Selvetarm is the champion of Lolth and the patron of drow warriors. Seen as the embodiment of unequaled fighting prowess, Cruel and malicious by nature, Selvetarm cares only for battle and destruction. The Champion of Lolth harbors a deep hatred for all living things, including his dominating mistress, and the only beauty he can appreciate is a well-honed and deadly fighting style. Selvetarm can exhibit a great deal of patience while waiting for prey to fall into an ambush he has set, but he prefers the wild abandon of battle frenzy to a careful and deliberate attack.
Eilistraee - Eilistraee, the “Dark Maiden”, is the goddess of the good drow - those rare dark elves who yearn for a return to life in the surface realms, an existence akin to that enjoyed by elves of the woodlands, left behind by the drow long ago. Eilistraee is a goddess of song and beauty, worshipped through song and dance - preferably in the surface world, under the starts of a moonlit night.
Eilistraee aids her faithful in hunting and swordcraft, and worship of her is usually accompanied by feasting. Eilistraee has worshippers of human, elven, and in particular half-elven stock. She is usually only seen from afar, but her song (of unearthly beauty, driving many to tears) is heard whenever she appears. The evil of most drow banks a burning anger within her, and when her faithful are harmed, that anger is apt to spill out into wild action. It is not her way to act openly, but she often aids creatures she favors (whether they worship her or no) in small, immediately practical ways.
The clergy of Eilistraee are female from any race. These priestesses much further the cause of beauty and song. They must always carry one of their goddess’s favoured instruments, the horn, flute, or harp. Eilistraee is happiest when she looks on bards singing or composing, craftsmen at work, lovers, or acts of kindness.
Common Duergar Deity
Laduguer - Dogma
Strength, obedience and order. Following these principles the duergar build their strongholds seeking to destroy the others dwarves. Magic is a strong but dangerous ally. But knowledge is the hammer to craft the soul on the anvil of order. Nothing is easy, nothing is free, and those who are too weak must serve or perish.
Clergy and Temples
Clerics of Laduguer are lore masters and teachers. Natural leaders of the duergar community, they know no pity for those who fail. Their temples are dark and strongly fortified, containing large stables for steeders. They train to fight other dwarves and other races of the Underdark that oppose them.
Deep Duerra - Deep Duerra is the goddess of Conquest, expansion, duegar warriors, and the invisible arts. Followers are expected to be capable leaders, who use cunning strategy to defend enemies in an endless quest for power. They are usually leaders of scout parties.