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Words with Krumb

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:38 am
by Otherworldly
Sitting cross legged on top of a rock in the forest you happen upon an exceptionally large half-orc. he has long red hair growing everywhere but the top of his head, and his skin has a bit of a green hue to it. His large underbite gives his exceptionally large lower teeth room to protrude in a tusk like manner out of his mouth, over lapping his top lip a bit. His eyes are closed, and despite his exceptional size there is a sense of complete calm about him. At first it's hard to place, but then it hits you, there are wild animals nestled up in every corner availalbe. A squirrel on his shoulder, a blue jay on the other, a fox on his lap, a raccoon in his pack, a fawn at his side and a large brown bear leaning it's own back against his. Looking around you see even more animals littering the field, ignoring each other, their usual rivalries and the usual bustle of their day to just sit and relax in this clearing. It's all this that keeps you from noticing initially, but as you look on you begin to notice more and more, until at last you notice his lips moving, and then you hear his voice-while speaking in a broken tongue, speaking with obvious conviction and knowledge of a different sort*

"Tree sez winds come frum all ways.

Sum winds is dur-tee, sum winds is cleens, sum winds is cold, sum winds is hot, sum winds is stu-rong and sums winds is week.

Is kind uh like peep-puls feels, pee-puls feels gud and pee-puls feels bad and sum-times pee-puls just feels nu-sings.

When a pee-puls sees his feels as a pee-puls sees das winds-way das winds come and gose, ways das winds cleen ore dur-tee, sturong ore week, onie den is pee-puls understands and free frum deys feels con-trols dem.

When pee-puls nose dees feels pur-fact-lee, pee-puls sees moar dan dees wurld."

// Krumb on learning to recognize and transcend your feelings, giving way to truth