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Nordock Master Crafters Guild (10)

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Nordock Master Crafters Guild (10)

Post by Otherworldly »

***All group members please read all the way through, even if you think you already know what's being said. There may be something I forgot or is different than you thought. Please discuss below if that's the case. We're still working everything out

I thought it would be good to create a new thread to outline the rules we've come up with so far. It will also give us a good place to further discuss anything, as things not already thought of are bound to come up during play at some point.

This is an open group, meaning anyone may join at any time so long as they abide by these rules. The minimum level for this group is 4, but you must roll a new character to join. If you wish to join there are likely players who will be able to assist you in reaching the minimum level and even catching up, as well as outfitting you with some of our crafted gear. Try to come up with a character that fills a role not already taken and feel free to PM me ig or on this forum regarding any questions you may have. All players are expected to read and follow the rules listed below.

First things first, the current group roster is as follows-forgive me for not remembering everyones whole player name, post it and ill fix it ;)

BerylGreen: Tempest Blake, human fighter (Eastern US, evenings mon-thu and Saturdays)
Brainley: Burrows, halfling monk (Central US)
Foo Ling: Jasper, human paladin (Pacific US, mon,wed,thu,fri evenings, Saturday)
Otherworldly: Krumb, half-orc druid (Central US, any day)
Paul-Kettlebones: Beryl Tinkerflame, gnome wizard (Central US, tue,wed,fri,sat,sun)
Tomseltje: Grack, half-orc rogue (evening's most days)

****Please post your timezone and 3 best days and times of the week to be added next to your name

On twinking
1. There is no twinking
2. There is no gift receiving from players outside the player group
3. Trades made with players outside the player group should be discussed on this forum and approved by a vote, with the party wishing to make the trade forfeiting their vote, before the trade is made. (should the person wishing to make the trade get a vote? cast your vote below!)

On multi-classing
One of the ideas behind forming this group was to create a group that would be reliant on each others strengths instead of each individual being able to pommel everything. In the spirit of that, there have been some decisions made on the subject of multi-classing meant to necessitate this.
1. When choosing to multi-class in more than one BASE class, a character must already be a minimum of level 12. Prestige classes may be taken as soon as they become available. This is because multi-base classes diversify abilities while prestige classes specialize abilities already possessed.
2. A minimum of 5 levels must be taken in any class chosen, whether that class be base or prestige. For instance, a character who takes 8 levels of druid and then takes a shifter level must then take a minimum of 5 shifter levels in a row before taking any levels of anything else, even more druid.

On the level cap, leveling and quests
There is a level cap for this group, and that cap is 1 level higher than the level of those who choose to only level during official group play. That cap is the number that you see in parentheses in the thread name and will be edited once a week. Here's a list of rules so far on leveling and general play conduct outside official group meetings
1. Play all you'd like how you'd like, gaining experience or treasure hunting included in off times, but follow all rules laid out during those times as well. If it's found that a player is not respecting the rules they've agreed to outside group play time then a discussion and vote will be held to determine a course of action, with that player forfeiting any right to be involved in either.
2. If you gain enough experience to gain a level that exceeds the current level cap listed in the title then you must sit on that level (not take the level gained) until the cap has been raised.
3. At the beginning of every official group play players who are sitting on a level will be asked to speak up, and they will be allowed to take that level once at least one player who isn't already sitting on a level has reached that level (This hasn't been addressed entirely so if you feel one way or another please post with your opinion and, if dissenting, an alternative solution-another alternative being every player waits until every player is ready to take that level before leveling)
4. If you accidentally take a level higher than the level cap then you will unfortunately have to die until you no longer have that level >:]
5. After every official group meeting the official level cap will be raised to one level higher than the highest level character of the group, unless for some reason one group member is more than one level ahead of the next highest level in the group, then the cap will be that characters level.
6. Do not complete any quests outside of official group play. Quests not included in this are ones that can be done over and over for little to no experience, such as caravans or Argyles tasks.

Players are encouraged to take up a profession to have something to work on other than leveling while not in group play.

In the event something comes up not already decided on during an official group meeting we can save ourselves a lot of time by operating, for the time being, under he assumption that it is (or isn't, post thoughts please) allowed and save the deliberation for this forum when we can discuss at our leisure. After all, this group is about playing the game together, so who wants to spend the time that we all manage to get together talking about how we're going to play?

Lastly, I may have organized this group but by no means do I consider it *my* player group. Everyone who joins gets an equal say in how things are done.
This does mean a lot of things will be up for discussion on this thread. If at any time a discussion turns in to an argument (name calling, verbal abuse etc) I will end said discussion-the dude does not abide rudeness and it's not conducive to good teamwork or decision making. I know most of you well enough that I don't think this will ever be a problem :)

Is there anything I missed? I'm forgetful and I'm afraid that was a lot to post-so I would't be surprised if it did! Sorry for the novel all, it's been a terrific start, hope we can really get things moving from here!
Last edited by Otherworldly on Mon Mar 24, 2014 5:32 pm, edited 13 times in total.
Skald Uffgood
Dante Farblake
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Re: The Motley Crew (for lack of a current real team name) (

Post by Paul_Kettlebones »

Well written and clear. Obviously nothing is written in stone but the basic premise of the group is important and unlikely to change much if at all.
As for outside trades, I think the group member ought to be writing the proposal but not voting on it. That said, I am not sure how this could impact the group but it's good to have this on the radar.
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Re: The Motley Crew (for lack of a current real team name) (

Post by Otherworldly »

Yeah, just trying to cover everything. It's mostly in an attempt to prevent people from essentially twinking by giving an item to another player then "trading" for that item with something of significantly lesser value. Doubtful that'd ever be a problem, so to make it clear the vote wouldn't be in place to decide if someone should be able to get that item but to ensure they aren't trying to get something for nothing, skirting the twinking rule. People would certainly be encouraged to vote yes on fair trades, and I don't see a reason they wouldn't. If anyone thinks it unnecessary to put an outside trade to vote speak up-I may just be bogging us down with rules which can be no fun xD
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Re: The Motley Crew (for lack of a current real team name) (

Post by raradra »

What about DM gifts? I love following you guys around :)
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Re: The Motley Crew (for lack of a current real team name) (

Post by Lliira »

I have given Stars to most of you, and the insanely strong druid found an old pair of holey gardening gloves, to help with flower picking. ;)

How does the group feel about gifts like this? I think that if it is an item that can only be used for crafting (unless you really DO want -6 strength to fight that Crag Cat), it could be allowed? Oh, and potions?
Lliira – Joy, Festivals
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Re: The Motley Crew (for lack of a current real team name) (

Post by berylgreen »

Tempest Blake. :P

Eastern time zone, available off and on during evenings throughout the week, most of the day Saturday.

The rules sound fine, so far. I didn't think about taking all 5 levels at once, but it makes RP sense. Mine will be 7 levels total, all together should be fine, unless I find that I missed another prereq somewhere. :shock:
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Re: The Motley Crew (for lack of a current real team name) (

Post by Otherworldly »

Personally, I feel DM gifts are fine, something that I think I said, or meant to say, on the other thread. I'd like to hear what others think, if anything we could use those handy stars as currency for DM gifts in the future. Love to hear what everyone else thinks about this.

While writing up those rules I included the part about taking any class chosen for at least 5 levels before a new one or reverting to a previously taken one, and I'm not sure if that was ever talked about.

Another option would be to allow players to switch between their second class taken and their first class, just not being able to take a third without first getting at least 5 of their second.
Skald Uffgood
Dante Farblake
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Re: The Motley Crew (for lack of a current real team name) (

Post by berylgreen »

Confusing...Tempest is a fighter, training to be a weapon master, and ultimately a Champion of Torm. My plan was 6-7 levels of fighter, 7 levels of weapon master, and then as much CoT as possible. Does this fit? I am only taking fighter as a base class.
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Re: The Motley Crew (for lack of a current real team name) (

Post by Paul_Kettlebones »

BG, my understanding was that your plan would be fine because the additional classes you are taking are essentially fighter levels. If you wanted to add rogue it would be different.
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Re: Berries and Branches (4)

Post by Paul_Kettlebones »

Oh, and I am in the central time zone and my most likely days would be T, W, F, S, & Su. Not all of those days, just more likely to be able to make it those days.
Logins: Paul_Kettlebones & DM_Requietum.
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