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Playing Multi accounts

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Playing Multi accounts

Post by monra »

I would like a clairication as I don't want to do things that could be considered as abuse.
I use to logon using 2 different accounts to create a small party of 2 when I am alone. Characters that have the same level and complementary skills (ie a melee fighter with an archer/mage/rogue or cleric a step back doing what they are good to). I would to emphasis that both characters are active; I do not hide one in a corner to farm xp's, I clean up the map (except when my party is cleaned up) and do not chest run.
I like to play this way as there is very few people at the present time, but anyway as I don't want to hurt anybody I would like your confirmation that there is nothing wrong with this.
Thank you in advance
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Re: Playing Multi accounts

Post by Lliira »

I cannot speak for Revenge specifically, but at Nordock - if there are two characters in a party, but one is not moving/fighting/healing, they risk being booted for experience farming. A DM can watch your party, and if one character seems to be AFK a lot, while the other is fighting a lot, both of them risk being booted or even banned.

Multi-boxing is a newer concept, and we do understand that the population is low, especially from your timezone. (You are +5 to +8 hours different from the players who are on Revenge daily.)

I will let a Revenge DM, or our Lead DM, reply with a firm answer on this. Multiple accounts is an inventive way around having no friends to play with, but may not always be the best option.
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Re: Playing Multi accounts

Post by monra »

Hi thank you Lliira,
I agree and do understand what is just farming. What I mean is playing like old fashion baldur's gate by managing a small team.
However it is not a problem for me to also play solo if DM's decide so. Multi boxing has a limit; it is applicable for low toons; after a certain level, the game is too fast to be able to manage a team properly. For low toons I feel more funny to manage a small team rater than taking the henchman from the captain even if you gain more xp's doing so.
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Re: Playing Multi accounts

Post by Lliira »

:lol: Those henchmen, though! I have heard new players say things like, "That Brock must be the worst player ever!", after seeing his corpse multiple times. ;)

Personally, the henchman A.I. is annoying. I use them as oxen for mining, though.
Lliira – Joy, Festivals
Sehanine (Moonbow) – Dreams, Mysticism, Moon Elves
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Re: Playing Multi accounts

Post by monra »

Yeah this clear!
Few days back I started a low level toon and hired Brock; In Ornal pass I encountered a couple of liche apprentice and liche. Don't ask me what those undeads where doing in Ornal pass almost at the door of Benzor. Well I don't like leave monsters but with a lv 3 cleric I have to be realistic and step back immediately asking Brock to do so; well no way Bock attacked the is clear that intelligence is not the strongest ability of Brock but we cannot say this is not a brave guy!
Definitively you are right...better use him to carry tons of ores!
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Re: Playing Multi accounts

Post by raradra »

Revenge is solely administrated by SH and he makes all the rules so I do not know if this is ok or not
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