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Epic: Enhanced Edition 1.4.1 Released

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Epic: Enhanced Edition 1.4.1 Released

Post by WafflesMcDuff »

[1.4.1] - 2024-02-01


  • Fixed bug with infestation of maggots where disease immunity was ignored.
  • Fixed bug that caused Brock to take your money but not give you a henceman.


  • Cohort spawn scripts refactored into a single unified script.
  • Unattached obsolete dialogue references removes.

[1.4.0] - 2024-01-16


  • GH Actions to make life easier


  • Deity conversion functionality now works for all major clerics.
  • Fixed bug where you could gain a soul stone when converting without an existing deity.
  • Fixed bug where you could gain multiple deity conversion soul shards.
  • Fixed bug where deity conversion soul shard was not stored in the DB like standard soul shards.
  • Fixed bug that prevented you from using Raise Dead and Resurrect on hirelings.


  • High Priestess Feng Zyrustana now worships Kiaransalee and provides standard temple services.
  • Updated Pack Ox script to allow ox to be returned to Astral plane
  • Pack Ox now drops a bag with owners name
  • Improved PC detection for Clang spawn, he should be a bit more punctual now.

[1.3.1] - 2023-07-19


  • Module recompiled for Beamdog 8193.35 patch
  • Dev tooling changed to Nordock watcher, nasher, and neverwinter.nim

[1.3.0] - 2022-10-31

📘 Last Diamond (1.69) release.
This is the last release for NWN: Diamond (1.69).
All future releases, unless otherwise noted will only be for Enhanced Edition


  • Memorial garden added on Mulrok Island


  • Underdark characters portalling to Mulrok now appear close to the ship to avoid aggroing Drowned Sailors on spawn.


  • Custom function GetSpellLevel (Line 29 - qel_inc_dispel) collided with base game include function by same name. -- Function renamed to qelGetSpellLevel.

[1.2.0] - 2022-08-19


  • Weaponsmiths can now craft Copper Tailor's Daggers.


  • Implemented fixes from Script, Spell Compilation that addresses a bug where upon the spell/effect ending, the character's DEX ability would be restored, but not their Dex Bonus.

[1.1.2] - 2022-08-09


  • Many animal spawns were using the base templates (or custom copy thereof), rather than the ATS Spawn Template which results in a skinnable corpse. These have been fixed.

[1.1.1] - 2022-07-09


  • Minor updates for the Gateway signage.


  • Formula that charged gold for removing a soul fragment had been updated by DM_Wraith in August 2021. The formula for determining how much the Bishop said you needed was inconsistent. This second formula has been updated

[1.1.0] - 2022-07-03


  • Added a script that will warn logged in players 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, and 1 minute before that a backup is about to happen, and they should get their character to safety before it occurs. That script is only activated if you add a string on Line 21 of nordock.2da with a time in "HH:MM:SS" format.


  • Replaced use of VBS Script to define NWN Directory with use of an Environment Variable. Once the developer sets the NWN_DIR environment variable, they can then run RUNME.bat to compile the source code and open the NWN Aurora toolset.
  • Updated the corpse fade time from a hardcoded setting of 120 seconds to one that we can set in nordock.2da. (src/scripts/ats_config.nss, src/scripts/hc_inc_dthcorpse.nss, src/scripts/qel_inc_2da.nss)
  • Promoted default LOGINMESSAGE for RR_RULESET_CUSTOM from diamond to ee


  • Exceptionally Crafted Dwarven Waraxe enhancement bonus was set incorrectly. It had a +2 bonus vs Shapechanger listed twice, instead of having a +2 Enhancement Bonus vs Shapechanger and a +2 Enhancement Bonus vs Undead. This has been corrected.
  • Comments on deity change files all said Serena. Fixed file comments to have the right deity.
  • Deity Change script file for mystra would incorrectly have the priest says that they would change your deity to Kiaransalee. Corrected it to correctly state they would change your deity to Mystra.
  • Many temple clerics were missing their Deity setting, which prevented them from helping PCs to choose to convert to a deity. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed typo in script name in src/conversations/vec_tob_pholtus.dlg.xml. Script referenced diety_convert.nss (which doesn't exist) instead of deity_convert.nss (which does)
  • Citadel was misspelled as Citedel in a few places in the codebase.
  • 'Tailored Robe - Bronze' had the wrong stats. (resref ats_c_t406_n_c04). Corrected it from AC Armor +1/Bonus Feat: Two Weapon Fighting -> AC Armor +1, Light: Bright Orange (20m), On Hit: Daze Level 1


  • Removed duplicate 'Leather Armor - Bronze' item from the module. (resref ats_c_5405_n_001)

[1.0.0] - 2022-07-06


  • First tagged release
  • Added sample levelcost.2da in src/scripts/rr_inc_rulesets.nss (#1)
  • When using custom ruleset, you can now use line 20 of nordock.2da to define a custom login message (#3).


  • Replaced references to with


  • Tweaked location of bench and barbecue in Benzor flats to address pathing issue when character tries to sit down on bench nearest to "The Wandering Badger" (#8)
  • Fixed script references to use folder name 'dev-tools' instead of 'tools' (#7)
  • Fixed to instruct developer to download Python 3.6.8 instead of 3.5, as the version of watcher in use requires version >= 3.6 (#7)
  • 'guide' conversation (used by "Enter Nordock" in the Gateway), was designed to give different answers about the server depending on the ruleset. This is no longer useful, as all servers run on the same VM. In addition, it meant that the conversation abruptly ended when using custom ruleset. This has been corrected. (#8)


  • Comparison Links go here
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